

Bell Boots - Water & Ice - per pair

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Pair of Water bell boots for the treatment of dry and cracked hooves. They keep hooves moist and pliant. Soak the bell boots in water and place over the hooves just like a bell boot. They will slowly release water down over your
horses feet over a period of approx. 20 minutes. Saves on hoof oil!    Medium (Cob) and Large (Full)

Personal tip: Soak the bells and put them in the freezer (place them over a bottle to keep the shape) I use these on my Laminitis Horse to cool down the hoofs. I leave them on for an hour or 2 and they still feel cool to the touch.

Alice purchased: for 47 minutes ago.
Pam purchased: for 47 minutes ago.
June purchased: for 47 minutes ago.
Sam purchased: for 47 minutes ago.
Cath purchased: for 47 minutes ago.
Lea purchased: for 47 minutes ago.